71. J27 LSP Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend to A) sink below the aircraft generating turbulence. B) rise into the traffic pattern. C) rise into the takeoff or landing path of a crossing runway.
72. J27 LSP Wingtip vortices are created only when an aircraft is A) operating at high airspeeds. B) heavily loaded. C) developing lift.
73. H996 LSP A series of judgmental errors which can lead to a human factors-related accident is sometimes referred to as the A) error chain. B) course of action. C) DECIDE model.
74. L05 LSP What are some of the hazardous attitudes dealt with in Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)? A) Risk management, stress management, and risk elements. B) Poor decision making, situational awareness, and judgment. C) Antiauthority (don't tell me), impulsivity (do something quickly without thinking), macho (I can do it).
75. L05 LSP What is the first step in neutralizing a hazardous attitude in the ADM process? A) Dealing with improper judgment. B) Recognition of hazardous thoughts. C) Recognition of invulnerability in the situation.
76. L05 LSP When a pilot recognizes a hazardous thought, he or she then should correct it by stating the corresponding antidote. Which of the following is the antidote for ANTIAUTHORITY? A) It won't happen to me. It could happen to me. B) Not so fast. Think first. C) Don't tell me. Follow the rules. They are usually right.
77. L05 LSP What is the antidote when a pilot has a hazardous attitude, such as 'Invulnerability'? A) It can not be that bad. B) It could happen to me. C) It will not happen to me.
78. J31 LSP Who is responsible for determining whether a pilot is fit to fly for a particular flight, even though he or she holds a current medical certificate? A) The FAA. B) The pilot. C) The medical examiner.
79. L05 LSP Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) is a A) mental process of analyzing all information in a particular situation and making a timely decision on what action to take. B) systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action for a given set of circumstances. C) decision making process which relies on good judgment to reduce risks associated with each flight.
80. L05 LSP What is it often called when a pilot pushes his or her capabilities and the aircraft's limits by trying to maintain visual contact with the terrain in low visibility and ceiling? A) Peer pressure. B) Scud running. C) Mind set.
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