
David  Bothe

941- 966-6723 bothe@comcast.net


Vice President:

Chip Miller





Rolf  Bostrom

941- 371-6437




Frank Hurlburt




Newsletter Editor:

Eugene Naves




Program Chairman:



Technical Counseors:

   Pat Grella

941- 359-0588



 Wray Whiting




Flight Advisor:

  Pat Grella




Young Eagles Coor:

Frank Szachta




Scott Becker




Tool Committee:

John Stevenson


941-704-4817 Cell


 Robert Brooke





 Rolf  Bostrom

941- 371-6437


EAA Chapter 180

Sarasota _ Manatee Counties, Florida

Meets the 4th Wednesday  of every month, 7:30 P.M. McClure Auditorium,

SW entrance, Sarasota Bradenton International Airport

APRIL                          Prez     Sez                      2005

Well, the shoes are beginning to drop. Our attorney, Mike Raterink, received a demand from The Evil One for our Chapter to pay $45,000. For those of you new to the Chapter, The Evil One is John Burton, President of Sun 'n Fun Management Services. Our attorney declined his request. We are expecting to be served any day now. I will give a very brief recap of the situation at our meeting on the 27th. Not to worry. Our money is safe!! But, I do expect the other shoe to drop before the deadline for the statue of limitations.

Our faithful servant, Rob Brooke, has worked his butt off to put together some guidelines for the Tool Lending Library. I'm sure that they will appear later in this newsletter. Many of us hashed this out at a special meeting of the tool committee. Rob also has created a picture inventory which will eventually find it's way to the Web site. Thank you Rob!

Speaking of house keeping, your humble servant has been searching in the archives for bylaws for Chapter 180. I have now found them. They were first submitted to EAA in 1980. I think they are a little out of date. No one is sure what the specific requirements are for non profits with respect to number of directors and so forth. So, if you would like to serve on the bylaw committee, please notify me or any member of the Executive Committee (Frank, Chip, & Rolf). I will get you a copy of the existing bylaws and the suggested changes by EAA Headquarters. It helps if you enjoy watching paint dry. It is pretty dull stuff!

Chip Miller and your humble servant were on "Sarasota Speaks" promoting EAA in general and Chapter 180 in particular. We know Earle Swan was listening in because he was the only caller. I'm going to try to get us on the Victor Gray show on AM 1220. Based on the number of calls it appears that the listening audience was small. That is probably why we got on.

I had mentioned in the February newsletter that we wanted to reach out to the SRQ pilot community to join us. I put together a mailing to all hangar tenants on the Jones and Dolphin side. I don't know how many will show up. Please make them feel welcome. Also, please make an extra effort to meet some of our new members. The room will be open at least 15 minutes prior to meeting time. If you can, make some time available to meet the troops. Please wear a nametag.

There doesn't seem to be much interest in the Fantasy of Flight Fly-In. We had scheduled it as our June event. Let's talk about it.

The Mid Atlantic Fly in is coming up in May (12-15). Vance Noles answered the call and will be providing the means for me to get there. This is a great show.

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I personally know the two promoters: Dale Faux and Billy Henderson. So, I have volunteered to be the "Ground Crew" coordinator. Some of us went to Fantasy of Flight and got the low down. If you are interested in helping us in Lumberton please let me know (you dont have to be a graduate to volunteer). Also, if you are not going to Lumberton, please bring your "Vest" to the meeting. We'd like to borrow it. It helps if the ground handlers can easily be recognized.