The Tool Lending Library Rules


Last month the Newsletter published the rules for borrowing tools from the EAA Chapter 180 tool lending library. The Executive Committee has reviewed those rules and decided upon the following set of rules in modification:

1.The borrower must be and remain a dues-paying member in good standing of EAA Chapter 180 in order to have a tool on loan from the Chapter.

2.The first month’s use of the tool is free. If the borrower is not finished with the tool at the end of the first month and no other member has reserved the tool, its use may be continued free for a second month if the borrower informs the Tool Committee Chairman that he wishes to renew the loan of the tool. If the loan of a tool has expired, the borrower will be charged at the rate of $5.00 per week until the tool is returned. A loan expires at the end of the first month, or at the end of the renewal month.

3.A tool whose loan has been renewed must be returned for inspection at the end of the renewal month. Upon satisfactory inspection, the loan may be renewed for an additional month if no other member has reserved the tool.

4.The borrower agrees to use and maintain the tool in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, if available. Liability for damage caused by ignorance or willful misuse will rest with the borrower.

5.If the tool is lost or damaged beyond repair, the borrower will reimburse the Chapter for its expenses in replacing the tool. If the tool is damaged but repairable, the borrower will reimburse the Chapter for the cost of the repair.

6.The tool must be signed out and in by a member of the tool committee.

7.With regard to assessed late fees or charges for replacement or repairs, the borrower agrees that any decision of the Tool Committee will be final.

8.Tool condition will be noted at time of sign out.

9.Additional damage or wear will be noted at time of return.


In addition to the above rule changes, the Executive Committee determined that three of the tools owned by the Chapter are not to be removed but rather used at Sarasota Airport. These tools are: the English Wheel, the Pneumatic Dimpling Tool and the Anti-Corrosion System.